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LACEY Independent Study Beginning Spanish Module One with live Zoom meetings Fall 2023
Señor Wooly log in instructions (on your own)
Handouts, highest frequency words, verb charts
Beginning Spanish Handouts
1. Start Here (39 minutes)
Class 1: quiere and tiene (wants and has) 28 minutes (27:54)
Class 1: Review of quiere and tiene with white board 7 minutes (6:56)
Class 1: TPR, se levanta and se sienta 4 minutes (3:59)
5 question quiz
2. Vocabulary and Story #1 with handout (90 minute recorded in-person Spanish class))
Video of vocab and story, 90 minutes (95:29)
Handout with vocab and story divided into 7-10 minute lessons
5 question Quiz
2. Vocabulary and Story for "Free 90 minute Spanish Class" (click on "Included Courses" to view
Vocabulary and Story for Video 1 all together
3. Where is Spanish spoken? (17 minutes)
Video - Where is Spanish spoken - 17 minutes (17:26)
Vocabulary in video
5 Question Quiz
4. Live, have, sleep, does / makes, pets (dogs, cats) 31 minutes video, plus reading two stories
Video I live in a house. Dogs do not sleep in my bed. (live, have, sleep) 4 minutes (4:19)
Downloadable Audio 4 minutes
All of the sentences in the video
Dónde duerme el perro Reading with photos 259 words
Richard's Story
Vocabulary from highest frequency verbs
tiene, hace, las mascotas de la clase de octubre de 2022 27 minutes with chat box (27:24)
5. What do you do on the weekends? ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? 31 minutes / Chat mat video 24 minutes
Vocabulary from this section
¿Quién es? reading about one person with clues
5 minute video -- what do you do in your free time? (this contains the answer to the question in the reading) (5:39)
Video of reading (watch if you need the support to understand the reading-- we read it together)) 26 minutes (26:30)
Video - What I do on the weekends 5 minutes (4:59)
Chat Mat Image from Amy Lenord with 24 minute of asking the class questionsvideo (24:52)
Tarea: La invitación, Señor Wooly
6. The Weather me gusta / nieve / puede manejar / puede esquiar / puede cantar / hace sol / hace frío 8 1/2 minutes
Video synopsis, me gusta, le gusta, puede, hace sol, hace frio 6 min 30 seconds (6:36)
Downloadable audio of class summary 6 minutes 30 seconds
Vocabulary list of words used
2 minute video with Aunt Karen and Joe I can cook / I can't skate / I can dance -- puede cocinar (4:37)
7. What are you for Halloween? (38 minutes)
What are you for Halloween? I am... 30 minutes (30:17)
Read this...... What are you for Halloween?
Señor Wooly song: Billy la Bufanda
Do you believe in.... / What do you want to be? / What should you do? (cree / quiere ser / debe) 8 minutes (8:49)
8. Saca una fotografía, mira (19 minutes)
saca una fotografía, mira 19 minutes (19:15)
For next week: Señor Wooly song: Flores
9. Habla, dice, va (26 minutes)
Chit Chatting at the beginning of class before it starts 10 minutes (10:30)
New words: habla, dice, va / Review of last week's vocab 16 minutes (16:56)
10. The dog who speaks dog (27 minutes)
Movie clips of a dog who speaks dog 21 minutes (21:41)
Talking Dog Part 1 (5 min, 40 seconds) (5:41)
Tiktok of Talking Dog (40 seconds) (0:41)
Señor Wooly song: ¡Qué asco! (readings)
11. El secreto de Isabela mini-reader (14 minutes)
Reading the first page of El secreto de Isabela 9 minutes (9:05)
Reading El secreto de Isabela (5 minutes) (5:20)
El Secreto de Isabela
12. Los 5 lenguajes de amor -- ¿Cómo prefieres recibir amor? ¿Como le gusta recibir amor? (8 minutes, 23 seconds)
Video synopsis 8 minutes, 23 seconds (8:23)
Downloadable audio, 8 minutes, 23 seconds
Vocabulary, los 5 lenguajes de amor -- recibir
13. No me gusta la nieve (yo form, tengo, quiero, cocino, visito, recomiendo, puedo, pongo) 9 1/2 minutes plus reading summary
Video, 9 1/2 minutes narrating in the first person about the weather (43:15)
Downloadable audio, 9 1/2 minutes, 1st person
Reading, summary of video, first person sentences
14. Personalized questions (45 minutes)
Chit Chatting about Sarah's great news 45 minutes (45:17)
For next week: No lo tengo, Señor Wooly
New Lecture
15. Illustrations from Las aventuras de Isabela (13 minutes)
Questions about illustrations from Las aventuras de Isabela 13 minutes (13:59)
To purchase Las aventuras de Isabela, the full book:
16. Thanksgiving Cooking (17 minutes)
Chatting about Thanksgiving Cooking (17 minutes) (17:24)
17. Can you cook? (37 minutes)
Can you cook? What can you cook? Do you have to cook? (24 minutes) (24:38)
Inventing a Written Story (13 minutes) (12:54)
18. Where are you? Is it cold? What are you drinking? (27 minutes)
Where are you? Is it cold? What are you drinking? (26:52)
Can you cook? What can you cook? Who cooks better? (Video of 4 year old cooking) (27:14)
19. ¿Cómo te sientes? (50 minutes)
¿Cómo te sientes? 28:29. (85:27)
Look for something that can be.... is the number more than or less than? 11:08 minutes (11:08)
Writing the class story together -- Exploding Popcorn 11:11 (11:11)
20. Los Secretos de Denver (14 minutes)
Summary of class personalized questions and answers 5 minutes (4:58)
Vocab list and Reading - Los Secretos en Denver 291 words
Video of Karen reading "Los secretos en Denver" 9:51 (9:51)
Downloadable Audio of Karen reading "Los secretos en Denver" 9:51
La Llorona written story
La Llorona written story with 22 highest frequency verbs in Spanish
The story of La Malinche -- women in history video
La Llorona song from Coco link
PREVIEW OF MODULE 2: ¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana? (What did you do this weekend?) Module 2
El Banco / Yo no robé el banco lyrics
Beginning of the writing of what the class did this weekend 2-22
Updated writing of what the class did this weekend 2-28
El banco readings
Video summary of what I did this weekend 8 minutes, 30 seconds (8:36)
Downloadable audio summary of what I did this weekend, 8 minutes, 30 seconds
Notes / script to accompany the video of what I did this weekend
PREVIEW OF MODULE 2: What did you read? I read.... What did you watch? I watched.... (Past tense questions and answers) Module 2
Questions from Karen: What did you read and watch and spend time doing? (5:18)
Downloadable audio: What did you read and watch and spend time doing?
Look for something that can be.... is the number more than or less than? 11:08 minutes
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