Las aventuras de Isabela Teacher's Guide
Lesson plans, stories, readings, video recordings of lessons to show students, worksheets, homework, project ideas
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Your Instructor
Hi! I'm Karen Rowan. I have been teaching Spanish courses and training teachers in comprehension-based methods since 1995. I have been lucky enough to travel all over the world presenting inservices and workshops on Teaching, Literacy, Reader's Theater, Self-Coaching and Curriculum Development. My focus is on rapid language acquisition specializing in teaching adults in the workplace through storytelling.
When I couldn't find the content I needed to teach, I started to write it. I've written several instructional books of mini-stories for language teachers and several short novels. Las aventuras de Isabela, Isabela captura un congo, Carl no quiere ir a México, Don Quijote, el último caballero, El callejón de beso and my newest book with Joan Soriano, Yo sé cómo hacerlo, la historia de Joan Soriano. Some titles are translated into English, French, Latin and Russian.
Methodology books are Reader's Theater for the World Language Classroom, published by Teacher's Discovery. TPR Stories for Paso a paso and Realidades published by Prentice Hall. The Fluency Fast Guide to Self-Coaching, published by Fluency Fast.
I am the admin of the IFLT / NTPRS / CI Teaching Facebook professional development community. With Adriana Ramírez and Dahiana Castro, we co-direct the #CIReboot, an online conference attracting hundreds of teachers.
Course Curriculum
StartBackward Plan El Secreto de Isabela for the teacher
StartEl secreto de Isabela share with students
Start1. NEW quiere and tiene Zoom video 27 minutes (first class) (27:54)
Start2. NEW review on Zoom whiteboard 7 minutes (6:56)
Start3. NEW se levanta and se sienta TPR video on Zoom 4 minutes (3:59)
Start4. NEW What are you for Halloween? Video 30 minutes (30:17)
StartNEW READING with pictures. ¿Qué eres? Yo soy.
Start5. NEW saca una foto, mira (TPR) 19 min (19:15)
Start6. NEW Video of talking dog part 1 (quiere, tiene, habla) Movietalk. Stop and start with subtitles and voiceover 5:41 min (5:41)
Start7. NEW Video of talking dog on TikTok 41 seconds, 2 videos (1:22)
Start8. NEW Video of teaching the Talking Dog 2 Movietalks, 21 minute class. (21:41)
Start9. NEW Video of reading the 1st page of El secreto de Isabela (9:05)
Start10. NEW Video of reading pages 2 and 3 of El Secreto de Isabela 5 minutes 20 seconds (10:40)