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2024 Beginning Spanish Live Zoom Class, Mondays
Welcome and Course Overview
Setting Goals for Learning Spanish
10. The dog who speaks dog (18 1/2 minutes / 21 minutes with class participation))
Tiktok of Talking Dog (40 seconds) (0:41)
Talking Dog Part 1 (5 min, 40 seconds) (5:41)
Movietalk of Mimo the Talking Dog (4 min 20 seconds) (4:20)
Movietalk of Mimo the dog with voiceover and subtitles 8 minutes (8:01)
Movie clips of a dog who speaks dog 21 minutes with class participation (21:41)
READING: Mimo quiere la pelota 320 words
Vocab Quiz. Are you ready for the next section?
Tiktok of Talking Dog (40 seconds) (0:41)
Talking Dog Part 1 (5 min, 40 seconds) (5:41)
Movietalk of Mimo the Talking Dog (4 min 20 seconds) (4:20)
Movietalk of Mimo the dog with voiceover and subtitles 8 minutes (8:01)
Movie clips of a dog who speaks dog 21 minutes with class participation (21:41)
READING: Mimo quiere la pelota 320 words
Vocab Quiz. Are you ready for the next section?
Movietalk of Mimo the Talking Dog (4 min 20 seconds)
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