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How to Write a CI Novel with CI authors 2024-2025
How to Write a CI Novel
Printable list of included writing sessions
Course Outline How to Write a CI Novel
CLICK ON INCLUDED COURSES ON THE LEFT Jodé Millman How to Register and Protect your Copyright. Available ONLY May 2023. Access will end. Watch now.
Overview -- How to Write a CI Novel, Karen Rowan
2020 How to Write a CI Novel, Karen Rowan July 31 Agen Workshop (1 hour)
Reading before Writing
2020 Previewing CI Readers for Bias Panel Discussion Dahiana Castro, Adriana Ramirez, Anna Gilcher, A.C. Quintero 1 hour 31 min (183:04)
2022 Adriana Ramirez Before I get started, Am I the author to write this story? What story am I the right author to write? Decolonization, Cultural Appropriation and Staying in Our Lanes 1 hour 7 minutes / Q and A 14 minutes (81:47)
2020 Cultural Appropriation and Voice Adriana Ramirez and Margarita Pérez García (67:09)
2020 Tackling Controversial Topics Jennifer Degenhardt 25 minutes (25:30)
non-stereotyped portrayal of human roles in curriculum materials document
Incorporating Diversity Rachelle Adams link to youtube webinar
Diversity Positive Alternatives Rachelle Adams and Anna Gilcher NTPRS 2016 PDF
Building Diversity Positive Language in Classrooms NTPRS Presentation PDF
Diversity Positive Alternatives - Japanese Version translated by Melissa Urushidani .DOC
Get Started Writing Picture Books Alyssa Reynoso-Morris Uploaded May 9 (71:21)
2022 Steff Green. The Skeleton Draft Method. 1 hour (60:17)
2020 Writing Process Webinar with AC Quintero 1 hour 19 minutes (79:03)
2020 Downloadable Handout Writing Process Session with A.C. Quintero
Chat box AC Quintero's Writing Process session
The Snowflake Method (book by R. INgermanson) link
Using Scrivener to Write, Develop, Organize, Research and Edit Anthony Flarisee 29 minutes (29:01)
Character Development, Conflict and Chasms. What we can learn from Romance Writing Kris Kennedy (54:22)
Gledé Browne Kabongo Plotting Out your Story Tuesday May 23rd at 4:30pm Pacific
Gledé Browne Kabongo Protagonist vs. Antagonist: Crafting Powerful Opposing Forces that Make Your Story Unforgettable Tuesday, May 16th at 4:30pm Pacific (52:54)
Story Arc Handouts and Links
Protagonist Handout
38 story elements
2020 Writing Groups, Bill VanPatten 1 hour 7 minutes (66:54)
2020 How I do research with Chris Mercer 47 minutes (47:19)
2022 Margarita Perez Garcia. Writing for novice readers: Word counts, glossaries, leveling and making language comprehensible 58 minutes + 11 minutes (70:00)
2020 Comprehensible Mysteries and Suspense with Teresa Marrama 32 minutes (32:20)
2020 Word counts, sheltering vocabulary with Margarita Perez Garcia 47 minutess (47:40)
2020 Word Frequency and Glossaries Margarita Perez Garcia 1 hour 28 minutes (88:28)
Overview notes
2022 Kris Kennedy, The 3 Keys to Crafting Turning Points 1 hour 8 minutes (68:49)
2022 CL Fails. The Lifecycle of a book, the importance of Story Arc and Writing Tips 59 minutes (59:15)
2022 Gledé Brown Kabongo How to Write a Gripping Thriller. 1 hour (61:03)
Characters and character development document, Karen Rowan
Neuroscience and Story Writing (Dopamine) 16 minutes Karen Rowan (16:18)
Showing not Telling, Dialogue and Personalized Readings with Carla Tarini 31 minutes (31:30)
Neuroscience and Story Writing (Transportation and Mirror Neurons) 13 minutes Karen Rowan
Beta Testing with A.C. Quintero 51 minutes (51:08)
Steps to Publishing Your Comprehensible Novel Anny Ewing and Kirstin Plante 1 hour 23 minutes (83:26)
Steps document by Anny Ewing & Kirstin Plante PDF
Anny Ewing Editing and Copyediting Saturday Saturday, May 20th at 9am Pacific (52:35)
Better Book Covers for Displays, Distributors and Classroom Libraries Date 5-20-23 Karen Rowan 26 minutes (26:29)
ISBNs (5 minutes) (5:15)
What to ask before you publish Karen Rowan 16 minutes (16:10)
Bonus: How to Write a CI Novel Over the Summer Webinar 2016 Karen Rowan
Webinar 1 hour 20 minutes. Basic overview of everything, first webinar c. 2014? (80:48)
Nuts and Bolts of uploading to KDP Theresa Jensen 55 minutes (55:35)
CLICK ON INCLUDED COURSES ON THE LEFT Jodé Millman How to Register and Protect your Copyright. Available ONLY May 2023. Access will end. Watch now.
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